Thomas Contreras portrait
Phone: 724-503-1001 x6118
Office: D-P 307

Thomas Contreras, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology

Degrees: NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Florida; Ph.D., Carleton University; M.S., M.A.T. and B.S., Central Michigan University

Tom Contreras是一位受过广泛训练的生态学家,对景观生态学很感兴趣, behavioral ecology, and conservation biology. 他目前的兴趣集中在栖息地丧失如何影响动植物的运动和分布. 他教授各种与生态学和行为学相关的课程,包括, animal behavior, conservation biology, field biology, and field ornithology. He also teaches vertebrate anatomy, biology seminar, foundations in evolution and biodiversity, as well as first-year seminar. 他和他的学生还通过生态研究教育网络(EREN)积极参与合作项目。.

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